Sunday, May 23, 2010

Comments on Thursday's class: We are slowly forming a cohort! Yeah! Josh, Loved the video. Today I finished the annotated bibliography and submitted it. I learned we all going in the right direction by participating in the MAIT program. We are a world of global learners - get used to it! That's three down - counting this blog. I also played around with iMovie. That was fun. I tried to e-mail it, but it exceeds 25 MB. What ever that means. Dennis, Thanks for your comments to the board and to John Moore. You are right - They are getting their monies worth - and then some. Since we all need to laugh and love every day, check out the video. These two are a hoot and I LOOOOVVVVVVEEE them. Watch it till the end and see what the Weim, Carter, does to the Whippet, Bentley. I am going to try a voice over using the same video.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

To work or play. HMMM?

I finally got started on one of my projects - the annotated bibliography. I sent several articles to my g-mail account. I found several interesting articles using the Stockton data base. Now I need to decide to use tables in word or excel. Both should be pretty easy. Next step is to set up a website and web quest so I can blend every thing together. Sounds interesting and challenging. My goal is have everything in one package. However, today is too beautiful to sit in the house , so.... have Mac will travel - to the backyard to spend time with my two dogs. Maybe I'll do a little gardening.